Getting top dollar for your timber, while being assured of a quality logging job, is tricky business. Unfortunately, there are many horror stories where things did not go as expected. Sometimes the problem involves money. At other times, it is a problem with the care of the land and/or the remaining timber. It is my job to get the landownder the best price and protect his interests.
. A lot of timber boundaries are sold on the shares method. In my opinion, this should only be done under unusual circumstances, and only where the landowner is sure of the logger's honesty. I favor using either sealed bids or negoiated sales. Sealed bid sales open the bidding to anyone in the logging business, regardless of timbering practices and past history. If the landowner wants to have more control over who purchases the timber, I recommend the negotiated sale process.
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Timber Theft & Trespass
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a owner information and property location deleted after sale is completed
Note - A quality logging job was secured with special care and attention for the residual timber as well as all aspects of a cattle farm; while getting a good price for the timber with full payment before any tree is cut.
SOLD - approx. 145,600 board feet of good quality timber on 35 acres of woodland, located near Wait, Kentucky at the Clinton/Wayne county line, is being offered for sale by sealed bid on Friday November 28th, 2008 @ 9:00 a.m..
Approximately 223,300 bf located in Adair County. Much of this is very high value timber. The farm manager, who is an experienced timberman, will sell "yarded" high value veneer logs on a bid basis. The sawtimber will be sent to local mills.
- approx. 65,600 board feet of mixed species timber on 30 acres of woodland, locatedin Adair County.
- approx. 385,000 board feet of good quality timber on 70 acres of woodland, locatednear the Argyle community at the Casey/Pulaski county line, is being offered for sale by sealed bid on May 12, 2007.
Click on the icons below for the bidding instructions; showing & sale location and the contract form that the successful bidder will be expected to sign on the date of sale.
Click on the icons below for the bidding instructions; showing & sale location and the contract form that the successful bidder will be expected to sign on the date of sale.