Hello. After 54 years, I've finally decided to retire as a consultant. For many years this site advertised my services and provided landowners with information and advice. I'm goimg to continue to maintain this website as it currently appears to provide access to much of the insight and information I accumulated over the years regarding habitat management, timber sales, tree planting, forest protection and timber trespass.
In parting, I'd like to give special thanks to the many landowners who allowed me to help them achieve their forestry goals. Tim
Kentucky is home for some of the most beautiful, productive, and valuable woodlands found anywhere in the United States. These great woodlands that we are blessed with, however, are a long-term crop and any choices we make in their management will likely have a long-term impact.
Woodland owners in Kentucky use their property in many ways including hunting, recreation and simply enjoying nature and its beauty. For most people the woods are also expected to yield periodic timber sales. Balancing this desire to sell timber with other uses often leads to real problems. In most cases a balance can be achieved, but it seldom happens by luck or accident. Rather, it takes good planning and attention to detail.
I hope to use this site to promote good forest management in Kentucky, and also to promote the use of professional foresters, particularly ACF members. Their experience in timber usually results in fewer headaches and increased profits for woodland owners. I have included quite a fewphotographs and commentsdepicting many aspects of timber management. I hope they are informative and give a better understanding of the complex dynamics of growing and selling timber. I also encourage you to visit my "Links" page where you'll find a world of information.
Whatever your particular forestry needs, I will be pleased to assist you by offering the following services: